I'm new to jq
and I have the following code to obtain tabulated the values for each element called Abc
["Abc"], ( .. | objects | select(has("Abc")) | [.["Abc"]] ) | @tsv
This is the current output I get:
I would like to add 4 columns to the left to show for each Abc
value the corresponding page, row and column. Additionally if possible as first column add a counter from 1 to number of "Abc" elements.
Below I show the current output, compared with the desired output and the structure of the Json file in order to clarify:
The input Json file is below:
"document": {
"page": [
"@index": "0",
"image": {
"Abc": "4"
"@index": "1",
"row": [
"column": [
"text": {
"Abc": "2"
"column": [
"text": {
"Abc": "1"
"text": {
"Abc": "9"
"column": [
"text": {
"Abc": "3"
"@index": "2",
"row": [
"column": [
"text": {
"Abc": "2"
"column": [
"text": {
"Abc": "4"
"text": {
"Abc": "9"
I hope someone could help me. Thanks in advance.
The following solution uses paths
and has several advantages, including brevity, simplicity, and that it can easily be adapted to a handle data that is in a different format.
For clarity, we begin by defining a function that adds the row numbers:
# add a sequential id, starting at 1
def tsvRows(s):
foreach s as $s (0; .+1; [.] + $s)
| @tsv;
(["counter", "page", "row", "column", "Abc"] | @tsv),
tsvRows(paths as $p
| select($p[-1] == "Abc")
| getpath($p) as $v
| $p
| .[2] as $page
| (if .[3] == "row" then .[4] else null end) as $row
| (if .[5] == "column" then .[6] else null end) as $column
| [$page, $row, $column, $v] )