I use company-mode a lot on natural language completion with the local dictionary. I am wondering if there is a way to automatically add a whitespace upon completion.
For example, currently when I type abili
and select the first candidate ability
, my insert point is right after y|
. Is there a way that the company-mode can add a space so my insert point is after y |
I could not find any related information on this but this issue mentioned a space is added after completion in the Eshell mode. Apparently this is exactly what I want.
The issue mentioned the function completion-at-point
. Is there a way that I can change or have a function that I can override the current completion mechanism?
Thanks! I’d really appreciate any suggestions.
You could add a hook to company-after-completion-hook
that would be called after completion with any of your company backends, eg.
(defun my-company-after-completion-hook (&rest _ignored)
;; this would be called with the completion candidate, so you could
;; modify it to insert spaces based on the candidate
;; or setq-local in a mode hook, eg. for text-mode/org-mode or wherever you are
;; completing with dictionary words
(setq company-after-completion-hook #'my-company-after-completion-hook)
If you only wanted to add space after completing with a specific backend you could see if the backend already implements a post-completion
action, otherwise you could probably advise it.