At the moment I have to specify what class is needed during the return, is there a way to get all properties and and create a dynamic/anonymous object.
public IEnumerable<Node> GetNodes()
Console.WriteLine($"Retrieving All Nodes from DB...");
return graphClient.Cypher
.Return(t => new Node
Latitude = Return.As<double>(""),
Longitude = Return.As<double>("n.lon"),
Id = Return.As<string>(""),
ValA = Return.As<long>("n.valA")
catch (Exception ex)
string error = $"ERROR (Get Node): {ex.ToString()}";
return null;
Try with the Neo4J official C# driver
and JSON.NET like:
public static void Main()
string neo4jHostname = string.Empty, neo4jUsername = string.Empty, neo4jPassword = string.Empty;
IDriver driver = GraphDatabase.Driver(neo4jHostname, AuthTokens.Basic(neo4jUsername, neo4jPassword));
using (ISession session = driver.Session())
string query = "MATCH (n) RETURN n";
IStatementResult resultCursor = session.Run(query);
List<IRecord> res = resultCursor.ToList();
string values = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(res.Select(x => x.Values), Formatting.Indented);
List<JObject> nodes = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<JObject>>(values);