with cloudera install doc step by step I have in trouble with Install Agents
like this:
It said install failed and can not receive signal. And I find the log like this:
[13/Nov/2018 16:44:19 +0000] 4306 MainThread agent ERROR Heartbeating to ryze-1.bigdata.com:7182 failed.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/opt/cloudera/cm-agent/lib/python2.7/site-packages/cmf/agent.py", line 1371, in _send_heartbeat
response = self.requestor.request('heartbeat', heartbeat_data)
File "/opt/cloudera/cm-agent/lib/python2.7/site-packages/avro/ipc.py", line 141, in request
return self.issue_request(call_request, message_name, request_datum)
File "/opt/cloudera/cm-agent/lib/python2.7/site-packages/avro/ipc.py", line 254, in issue_request
call_response = self.transceiver.transceive(call_request)
File "/opt/cloudera/cm-agent/lib/python2.7/site-packages/avro/ipc.py", line 483, in transceive
result = self.read_framed_message()
File "/opt/cloudera/cm-agent/lib/python2.7/site-packages/avro/ipc.py", line 489, in read_framed_message
framed_message = response_reader.read_framed_message()
File "/opt/cloudera/cm-agent/lib/python2.7/site-packages/avro/ipc.py", line 417, in read_framed_message
raise ConnectionClosedException("Reader read 0 bytes.")
ConnectionClosedException: Reader read 0 bytes.
I try to solve it with google I already check these setting.
/etc/cloudera-scm-agent/config.ini the port set 7182
and server_host set ryze-1.bigdata.com
iptable altready shutdown with sudo service iptables stop
ryze-1.bigdata.com is reachable. and telnet ryze-1.bigdata.com 7183
can succeed.
OS: Centos7.4 Platform: AliCloud
So what can I do? Any one can help me ?
I closed the ssl option. Everything is fine now.......