I'm trying to put a lengthy WKT (a long string about geographical info) into an oracle spatial function SDO_GEOMETRY
to transform WKT into oracle geometry type using mybatis. There are no column in the database that stores the WKT, it is only used as a parameter in the said function. The java type of the item is String
, when I try to put it in it would return error, saying String too long. This indicates that the string is not being turned into a CLOB. How do I do that?
I tried using this at the start of mybatis .xml file:
<resultMap type="example.Building" id="BaseResultMap">
<result property="geom" column="geom" jdbcType="CLOB"
javaType = "java.lang.String" typeHandler ="example.Utils.OracleClobTypeHandler"/>
and I have an OracleClobTypeHandler
class set up.
I also tried using #{wkt,jdbcType=CLOB}
but that went nowhere.
EDIT: This is the SetParameter
method in the OracleClobTypeHandler
public void setParameter(PreparedStatement arg0, int arg1, Object arg2, JdbcType arg3) throws SQLException {
CLOB clob = CLOB.getEmptyCLOB();
clob.setString(1, (String) arg2);
arg0.setClob(arg1, clob);
<resultMap />
is irrelevant as it is used when mapping query result to Java object.
Try specifying typeHandler in the parameter reference. e.g.
Note that if the type handler is an inner class of Utils
, it has to be referenced as example.Utils$OracleClobTypeHandler