I want to upgrade Sustainsys.Saml2 Nuget package from version 0.23.0 to version 2.0.0.
I have an error in next line of code: spOptions.SystemIdentityModelIdentityConfiguration.AudienceRestriction.AudienceMode = AudienceUriMode.Never;.
The SPOptions class doesn't have a IdentityConfiguration property anymore.
var spOptions = new SPOptions();
spOptions.SystemIdentityModelIdentityConfiguration.AudienceRestriction.AudienceMode = AudienceUriMode.Never;
I want to know how to receive the same behaviour after updating to version 2.0.
It's currently not supported in 2.2 to ignore the audience restriction. I you need that, and still run on the .NET Framework you might as well use 1.0.0.