I'm developing admin dashboard with Vue, Laravel & Axios. And I have some problems with trying to upload files to api.
I replaced some real data to type of data
On Client-side I have Array of Objects:
id: random_generated_id,
img: {obj},
img_is_fullwidth: boolean,
site_url: string,
description: string
id: random_generated_id
img: {obj},
img_is_fullwidth: boolean,
site_url: string,
description: string
Objects can be added to Array:
addObject() {
id: new Date().valueOf(),
img: null,
img_is_fullwidth: null,
site_url: null,
description: null
<div v-for="(content, index) in array" :key="content.index">
<input type="file" :ref="'content' + content.id" v-on:change="handleFileUpload(content.id)">
<label class="checkbox">
<input type="checkbox" v-model="content.img_is_fullwidth">
is fullwidth?
<input type="text" v-model="content.site_url" required>
<input type="text" v-model="content.description" required>
<button @click.prevent="addContent">Add content</button>
And I'm using random ids to attach image file to object by:
<input class="file-input" type="file" :ref="'content' + content.id" v-on:change="handleFileUpload(content.id)">
handleFileUpload(itemId) {
var itemIndex = this.array.findIndex(i => i.id === itemId)
this.array[itemIndex].img = this.$refs['content' + itemId][0].files[0]
So the problem is when I'm trying to post this data to api with axios, I get error:
Trying to get property 'img' of non-object
It's happened cause I'm using JSON.stringify() and image object transforms to image array:
let fd = new FormData()
fd.append('array', JSON.stringify(this.array))
Part of Laravel Controller:
$array = json_decode($request->array, true);
foreach ($array as $content) {
$newContent = new WorkContent;
$contentImg = $content->img;
$contentName = uniqid();
$contentExt = $contentImg->getClientOriginalExtension();
$contentPath = $contentImg->storeAs('works/'.$request->client.'/'.$request->slug, $contentName.'.'.$contentExt);
$newContent->img_url = $contentPath;
if ($content->img_is_fullwidth == 'true') {
$newContent->img_is_fullwidth = true;
} else if ($content->img_is_fullwidth == 'false') {
$newContent->img_is_fullwidth = false;
$newContent->site_url = $content->site_url;
$newContent->description = $content->description;
So, the question is: Any ideas how to solve the problem?
Found solution by myself:
$contentArray = json_decode($r->contents, true);
$contentImgs = $r->contentImgs;
$imgIndex = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($contentArray); $i++) {
if($contentArray[$i]['img'] !== null) {
$contentArray[$i]['img'] = $r->contentImgs[$imgIndex];
foreach ($contentArray as $content) {
$newContent = new WorkContent;
$contentImg = $content['img'];
if ($contentImg !== null) {
$contentName = uniqid();
$contentExt = $contentImg->getClientOriginalExtension();
$contentPath = $contentImg->storeAs('works/'.$r->client.'/'.$r->slug, $contentName.'.'.$contentExt);
$newContent->img_url = $contentPath;
if ($content['img_is_fullwidth'] == 'true') {
$newContent->img_is_fullwidth = true;
} else if ($content['img_is_fullwidth'] == 'false') {
$newContent->img_is_fullwidth = false;
$newContent->site_url = $content['site_url'];
$newContent->description = $content['description'];
$newContent->work_id = $w->id;