I am moving my AngularJS controllers over to a class based model in order to support a few newer ideas that have come up lately. This has brought up an issue using AngularJS Materials $mdDialog service that I'm having trouble with.
I have a setup where a parent dialog is opened, and another performs a confirmation step when a user wants to undo any changes they've made.
Parent dialog Code:
// Expand item data
expandItem(data, ev){
controller: 'expandCtrl',
controllerAs: 'ec',
templateUrl: 'path/to/template',
parent: angular.element( document.body ),
targetEvent: ev,
clickOutsideToClose: true,
locals: {
data: {
asset: data,
table: this.selectTable
}).then(rowData => {
}, function(){});
Nested dialog Code:
(function () {
'use strict';
class expandCtrl {
constructor($mdDialog, data) {
this.itemData = data;
this.itemStateCapture = angular.copy(this.itemData);
this._mdDialog = $mdDialog;
// Cancel edits and revert item back to its previous state
cancelEdits(ev) {
let cancelConfirm = this._mdDialog.confirm()
.title('Are you sure?')
.textContent('Really cancel all edits and revert this item back to its original state?')
.ariaLabel('Edit cancel confirmation')
.ok('Cancel Edits!')
.cancel('Go Back');
this._mdDialog.show(cancelConfirm).then(function() {
//**** The Problem Line ****//
this.itemData = this.itemStateCapture;
}, function() {});
// Init Controller
angular.module('dbProject').controller('expandCtrl', expandCtrl);
I need to have the top level this.itemData variable be rewritten inside of the this._mdDialog.show() line. There appears to be a scoping problem though, and nothing I've tried successfully accesses that variable. I have tried injecting $scope, redirecting to an outside function, even accessing the data through angular.element().controller(), but I haven't made any headway.
What am I doing wrong?
I ended up converting my controller to a hybrid sort of approach, and including $scope. $mdDialog seems to not function well without it (Though I would love to be proven wrong).
See below:
(function () {
'use strict';
.controller('expandCtrl', expandCtrl);
expandCtrl.$inject = [
function expandCtrl($mdDialog, $timeout, $scope, data, uaService, dataService){
// Submit edits functionality
this.submitEdits = function(table, access, data, ev){
let confirmSubmit = $mdDialog.confirm()
.title('Are you sure?')
.textContent('Really submit these changes?')
.ariaLabel('Submit confirmation')
.cancel('Go Back');
$mdDialog.show(confirmSubmit).then(function() {
let editData = {
table: $scope.table,
data: $scope.itemData,
prevData: $scope.itemStateCapture
.then(res =>{
}).catch(e =>{console.error(e)})
}, function() {});