I'm trying to execute a simple java code.
the code worked fine using comand line : javac Go.java and java Go, but in Spring Tool Suite 3, the code did not work and I got the error below.
Note that I'm using jdk1.8.0_211
package com.test;
public class Go {
public static void main(String[] args) {
I expect print test, but I get this error :
Error: Can not find or load the main class.
the cause of the problem is that I'm not the owner of the Laptop, it is managed by the administrator of the company where I work. I noticed that when I change the version of JAVA, the code runs correctly, but after restarting the Laptop, I get the same error again, so the cause was that every restart of the laptop, it updates java version, I fixed my PC to not updating java version again and it works