I'm making a small application in React with the PokeAPI and am having issues with using the splice() method to remove an element (pokemon) from the array (team). No matter which element I pick to remove it only removes the first element in the array.
This is the function -- which is being passed down through props -- I'm using in order to delete the item.
removePokemon = (index) => {
const team = [...this.state.team]
team.splice(index, 1)
And here is the Team component where it's actually being used.
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import Button from 'react-bootstrap/Button'
class Team extends Component {
render() {
return (
<h2>{this.props.trainer && <p>{this.props.trainer}'s Team</p>}</h2>
{this.props.team &&
{this.props.team.map((pokemon, i) => (
<div key={pokemon.id}>
<span className='cardHeader'>#{pokemon.id} - {pokemon.name}</span>
<img src={pokemon.sprites.front_default} alt={pokemon.name}/>
<Button onClick={this.props.removePokemon}>Remove from team</Button>
export default Team;
You don't pass an argument index
to your function removePokemon
You need to edit one row:
<Button onClick={() => this.props.removePokemon(i)}>Remove from team</Button>