I'm rendering UIKit accordions dynamically inside table rows and each one contains just one child (li
) element. how can I sync these accordions so that when one of them is open, other ones get collapsed? just like the option multiple: false
. it's a Vue app (in case you can provide a more specific answer).
This answer is much better and more performant
is index of the loop.
is defined in Vue instance data and initially set to null. It is used to hold the index of previous (last) opened accordion so there's no need to loop through $refs
to find the open accordion like previous answer.
All accordions are initially collapsed (closed).
methods: {
handleAccordionShow(index) {
if (this.prevAccordionIndex !== null) {
this.$uikit.accordion(this.$refs.categoryAccordion[this.prevAccordionIndex]).toggle(0, false)
this.prevAccordionIndex = index
} else {
this.prevAccordionIndex = index
handleAccordionHide(index) {
this.prevAccordionIndex = this.prevAccordionIndex === index ? null : index
<ul ref="categoryAccordion" @beforeshow="handleAccordionShow(i)" @beforehide="handleAccordionHide(i)" uk-accordion>