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java equivalent to php "fnum" unpack function to convert hexadecimal to float IEEE 754 in java

I have this function in PHP:

function hex2float($strHex) {
   $array = unpack("fnum", pack("H*", $strHex));
   return $array['num'];

How can I write that in java?


  • I figured to convert this function in that way:

    private Float hex2float(String hexStr) {
        Float result = null;
        try {
            byte[] decodes = Hex.decodeHex(hexStr.toCharArray());
            result = getFloat(decodes, 0);
        } catch (DecoderException e) {
            // log error
        return result;
    private float getFloat(byte[] b, int index) {
        int l;
        l = b[index + 0];
        l &= 0xff;
        l |= ((long) b[index + 1] << 8);
        l &= 0xffff;
        l |= ((long) b[index + 2] << 16);
        l &= 0xffffff;
        l |= ((long) b[index + 3] << 24);
        return Float.intBitsToFloat(l);