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How can I fill the 2d array in clojure with loop like matrix that we do in JAVA if I have a list of the characters

I want to fill 2d array in clojure like we do in java

I have provided the example of java. I want to do like this in Clojure

Scanner sc=new Scanner(;
Scanner sc1=new Scanner(;
int row=sc.nextInt();
int col=sc.nextInt();
realMatrix=new String[row][col];
String[] in=new String[row];
for(int k=0;k<row;k++) {
for(int i=0;i<row;i++) {
    char[] charArry=in[i].toCharArray();
    for(int j=0;j<col;j++) {


  • If your input (lines) is valid (it contains the correct number of rows and each row contains the correct number of characters), it can be parsed with

    (vec (map #(clojure.string/split % #"") (drop 2 lines)))

    If your input looks like lines below, you'll want to filter out the !s:

    (def lines
    (defn split-row [row n-cols]
      (vec (take n-cols (clojure.string/split row #""))))
    (defn parse-matrix [lines]
      (let [n-rows (Integer. (first lines))
            n-cols (Integer. (second lines))
            matrix-lines (take n-rows (drop 2 lines))]
        (vec (map #(split-row % n-cols) matrix-lines))))

    If you really want to parse it as it is read from standard input:

    (defn parse-matrix-stdin []
      (let [n-rows (Integer. (read-line))
            n-cols (Integer. (read-line))
            matrix-lines (take n-rows (repeatedly read-line))]
        (vec (map #(split-row % n-cols) matrix-lines))))