I have created simple 3 files in Java, and used mvn clean package wildfly:deploy command to run it. It all deployed successfully (at least thats what is written in console). However, when I go to
I get 404 error. My project is located in module lab-rest-api (its just a part of a project, other modules are for web consume - ejb, ear etc)
I did web service and simple web consuming and it worked out fine. However, REST API is not working.
Here is my pom.xml:
My extend Application:
public class RESTMain extends Application {
public RESTMain() {
public Set<Class<?>> getClasses() {
Set<Class<?>> classes = new HashSet<Class<?>>();
return classes;
And my service:
public class ServicesInterface {
Book booky = new Book();
public Book getBook(@PathParam("title") String title){
return booky;
public Book addBook(@PathParam("title") String title, @QueryParam("author") String author){
return booky;
public Book updateBook(@PathParam("title") String title, String author){
return booky;
public Book removeBook(@PathParam("title") String title){
return booky;
"Book" is a simple class with 2 Strings (author and title) and getters and setters for it.
Okay so,
Steps to fix this :
1) Packaging a war
Add <packaging>war</packaging>
to your pom file.
Also add
2) Upgrade wildfly maven plugin
3) Remove duplicate dependency
4) Remove this extra stuff from wildfly-maven-plugin configuration
5) Run your mvn clean package wildfly:deploy
6) Browse to http://localhost:8080/lab-rest-api-1.0-SNAPSHOT/library/book/asd
BONUS : Accepted answer of this shows how to remove -1.0-SNAPSHOT from the URL.