I am very new to React and leaflet. I am trying to plot a set of latitudes and longitudes that is available in an object on a map in React using leaflet. Any pointers on how this can be done will be helpful.
I have gone through tutorials on react leaflet from https://react-leaflet.js.org. But I am unable to proceed. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Sample of the array of object data I have:
from_lat: "12.92415",
from_long: "77.67229",
id: "132512",
to_lat: "12.92732",
to_long: "77.63575",
from_lat: "12.96691",
from_long: "77.74935",
id: "132513",
to_lat: "12.92768",
to_long: "77.62664",
You can store the data in the state like this:
state = {
data: [
from_lat: "12.92415",
from_long: "77.67229",
id: "132512",
to_lat: "12.92732",
to_long: "77.63575",
from_lat: "12.96691",
from_long: "77.74935",
id: "132513",
to_lat: "12.92768",
to_long: "77.62664",
and then iterate over data and return a Polyline instance like this:
style={{ height: "100vh" }}
attribution='© <a href="http://osm.org/copyright">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors'
{this.state.data.map(({id, from_lat, from_long, to_lat, to_long}) => {
return <Polyline key={id} positions={[
[from_lat, from_long], [to_lat, to_long],
]} color={'red'} />