I can collect items if I have the exact string of a text field but I need to collect items if I have a partial string in a text field.
Here is the code that I have for exact match...
public static async Task<int> Items_With_String(int appId, string textFieldId, string stringToSearch)
var filter = new Dictionary<string, string>
{textFieldId, stringToSearch }
var filteredItems = await Program.podio.ItemService.FilterItems(appId: appId, filters: filter);
foreach (var item in filteredItems.Items)
Console.WriteLine($"{stringToSearch} found in {item.Title}");
return filteredItems.Total;
Instead of FilterItems, you can use Search functionality.
you can refer below link for more info.
please see the sample
bool isContinue = true;
var limit = 0;
var offSet = 0;
while (isContinue)
var items = podio.SearchService.SearchInApp(appId, stringToSearch, limit, offset);
offSet = offSet + limit;
limit = limit + 100;
isContinue = // check if you have value;