In Django, the button url is called unexpectedly, so I can not find the page
I tried click below button but it's not work
<button type="button"
class="btn btn-outline-info btn-sm float-right"
result of url request is
It seems that there is a problem because I made the url request when I was on the detail page.
and below buuton is work
class="btn btn-outline-info btn-sm float-right"
name="button" onclick="location.href='{{fn_id}}/finisher/new'"
but That causes problem Because it requests a local address
do you know how to slove it?? thanks for let me know~!
In your first example, I expect you're on page
. You've then given a relative url of 1/finisher/new
which has been added to the current url to give
If you want to give a relative url use finisher/new
. If you need to go to other ids use /bestlec/{{fn_id}}/finisher/new
or better still, use {% url 'url-name' fn_id %}