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pom.xml Maven configuration to run JUnit 4 + JUnit 5 Jupiter tests in mixed Java + Kotlin project

I cannot configure maven project successfully to run mixed JUnit 4 / JUnit 5 Jupiter tests for Java and Kotlin.

I have no problems to configure Gradle (for instance this configuration works well for my needs), but not maven. I have tried different configurations of maven, Kotlin, surefire plugins with different versions of JUnit Jupiter and platform dependencies, but wasn't success...

Can anyone of you provide worked example?

I have also posted similar questions on JUnit team GitHub issues and in Kotlin slack channel: - -

Regards, Maksim


  • Okay... I spent couple of hours and seems like I found answer. Here example of worked pom.xml file for multi-module maven project to execute mixed JUnit 4 Vintage and JUnit 5 Jupiter tests together with mixed Java and Kotlin test classes with limitations described like so:

          **/*  +
          **/*JUnit4VintageKotlinTest.kt  +
          **/*  +
          **/*JUnit5JupiterKotlinTest.kt  +
          **/*  -
          **/*JUnit4VintageKotlinTest.kt  +
          **/*  -
          **/*JUnit5JupiterKotlinTest.kt  +


    + means: tests are going to be executed

    - means: for some reasons test are not going to be executed with provided configuration...

    pom.xml file:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <project xmlns=""
        <!-- junit 4 -->
        <dependency><!-- already contains junit:4.12 dependency, so we are not going to add it explicitly! -->
        <dependency><!-- vintage engine is required if you wanna execute JUnit 4 together with JUnit 5 Jupiter tests... -->
        <!-- junit 5 -->
          <!-- includes junit-jupiter-api:5.0.0 and junit-jupiter-engine:5.2.0, but we need other versions -->
        <dependency><!-- includes junit-jupiter-api and junit-jupiter-engine dependencies -->

    worked example located here

    how to verify:

    git clone testme ; cd $_ ; mvn test

    Only question cannot answer if it's possible and how to configure maven project where allowed place and recognize java test classes in src/test/kotlin test sources directory? But seems like it's a different question and that one must be closed.

    my PR with according sample was just merged to junit-team/junit5-samples project and available here