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RegEx for capturing values in nested brackets

I was trying to use a regular expression to match the inner text between two characters, but I am getting the wrong text

I tried putting [A-z]* instead of .* for matching only the inner text and it worked. But I need to match non-letter characters too.

/\[?(,? ?\[(\[(.+)-(.+)\])\])\]?/g

This is my regular expression and i want to match the characters between the square brackets:


The bold characters are the one matched.

I'd expect to match [[[hello-hello]],[[hi-hi]]] in match 1 and [[[hello-hello]],[[hi-hi]]] in match two.


  • If everything in between the [] would be desired, then we might simplify our expression to maybe:


    Here, we capture our likely desired substring in this capturing group:


    Then, we add two boundaries on its left and right sides using two non-capturing groups:



    const regex = /(?:\[+)(.+?)(?:\]+)/g;
    const str = `[[[hello-hello]]
    [[hi hi]]]`;
    const subst = `$1`;
    // The substituted value will be contained in the result variable
    const result = str.replace(regex, subst);
    console.log('Substitution result: ', result);

    enter image description here


    If this expression wasn't desired, it can be modified/changed in

    RegEx Circuit visualizes regular expressions:

    enter image description here