Attempting to create boilerplate for new PWA creation using Gulp 4 with Browsersync to automate tasks, auto-reload, and auto-inject changes. Dist folder files are being updated when changes are made. Reload only works with HTML alone. CSS doesn't auto-inject and HTML doesn't reload after changing CSS and HTML.
I have read a bunch of other SO questions and attempted different ways of doing this, but nothing works so far. Gist has commented out code to show some of the methods I've tried. I uninstalled Gulp before installing Gulp 4.
import babel from 'gulp-babel';
import browserSync from 'browser-sync';
import del from 'del';
const server = browserSync.create();
// Process and minify css, copy to dist folder
export function styles() {
return gulp.src(paths.styles.src)
.pipe(server.reload({stream: true}));
// Copy html to dist folder
export function html() {
return gulp.src(paths.html.src)
// Watch files for changes and reload server
export function watch() {, styles);, html).on('change', server.reload);
// Start serving src folder
export function serve(done) {
server: {
baseDir: './src'
// Build dist folder, start server, and watch files
const build = gulp.series(clean, gulp.parallel(styles, html), serve, watch);
// Make build be default task
export default build;
I expected the page to reload/auto-inject when changes were made. Terminal output indicates this is happening, but no changes are displayed:
[13:35:57] Starting 'styles'...
[Browsersync] 1 file changed (app.css)
[13:35:57] Finished 'styles' after 8.05 ms
[13:36:03] Starting 'html'...
[13:36:03] Finished 'html' after 6.04 ms
[Browsersync] Reloading Browsers...
I have resolved the issue and updated the gist. There was an issue with my watch function and it seems necessary to have reloading done in a separate function.
function reload(done) {
// Watch files for changes and reload server
export function watch() {, gulp.series(styles, reload));, gulp.series(html, reload));
Figured out issue after taking another look at this recipe: