To get a user's [Y/N]
decision I am using a "yesno" function, which contains a loop:
answer=$( while ! head -c 1 | grep -i '[ny]' ; do true ; done )
However, this loop is blocking a console and impossible to terminate by pressing Ctrl + C or Ctrl + Z . Adding stuff like [\x03]
(ascii for Ctrl + C ) or [\x1A]
(ascii for Ctrl + Z ) does not help either. How to add this feature, while preserving the POSIX compatibility and without relying on other tools?
yesno () {
printf "$1 [Y/N] "
old_stty_cfg=$( stty -g )
stty raw -echo
answer=$( while ! head -c 1 | grep -i '[ny]' ; do true ; done )
stty "$old_stty_cfg"
if printf "$answer" | grep -iq "^y" ; then
return 0
return 1
if yesno "Question?" ; then
printf "yes\n"
return 0
printf "no\n"
return 1
Comments about this solution and its' POSIX compatibility - will be really appreciated !
enter=$( printf '\015' )
ctrl_c=$( printf '\003' )
ctrl_x=$( printf '\030' )
ctrl_z=$( printf '\032' )
yesno () {
printf '%b [Y/N] ' "$1"
old_stty_cfg=$( stty -g )
stty raw -echo
while true ; do
answer=$( head -c 1 )
case $answer in *"$ctrl_c"*|"$ctrl_x"*|"$ctrl_z"*)
stty "$old_stty_cfg"
exit 1
stty "$old_stty_cfg"
return 0
stty "$old_stty_cfg"
return 1
if yesno "Question?" ; then
printf "yes\n"
exit 0
printf "no\n"
exit 1