I have a simple app on Angular/rxjs/Ngrx which requests list of default films from the api.
export class MoviesComponent implements OnInit {
private movies$: Observable<{}> =
private films = [];
constructor(public store: Store<fromRoot.State>) {}
ngOnInit() {
this.store.dispatch(new MoviesApi.RequestMovies());
this.movies$.subscribe(film => this.films.push(film));
requestMovies$: Observable<MoviesApi.MoviesApiAction> = this.actions$
switchMap(actions => this.MoviesApiServ.getDefaultMoviesList()
mergeMap(movies => of(new MoviesApi.RecieveMovies(movies))),
catchError(err => {
console.log('err', err);
return of(new MoviesApi.RequestFailed(err));
export class MoviesApiService {
private moviesList = [];
constructor(private http: HttpClient) { }
public getDefaultMoviesList(): Observable<{}> {
DEFAULT_MOVIES.map(movie => this.getMovieByTitle(movie).subscribe(item => this.moviesList.push(item)));
return from(this.moviesList);
public getMovieByTitle(movieTitle: string): Observable<{}> {
return this.http.get<{}>(this.buildRequestUrl(movieTitle))
DEFAULT_MOVIES is just array with titles.
So my getDefaultMoviesList method is not sending data. But if I replace this.moviesList to hardcoced array of values it works as expected. What I'm doing wrong?
UPD I wanted to loop over the default list of films, then call for each film getMovieByTitle and collect them in array and send as Observable. Is there any better solution?
You can try creating the observable using of
Ex: of(this.moviesList);
One intersting fact to note is that Observable.of([])
will be an empty array when you subscribe to it. Where as when you subscribe to Observable.from([])
you wont get any value.
, is a static method on Observable
. It creates an Observable for you, that emits value(s) that you specify as argument(s) immediately one after the other, and then emits a complete notification.