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If Spring can successfully intercept intra class function calls in a @Configuration class, why does it not support it in a regular bean?

I have recently noticed that Spring successfully intercepts intra class function calls in a @Configuration class but not in a regular bean.

A call like this

public class CustomerDAO {  
    public void saveCustomer() {
        // some DB stuff here...
    public void saveCustomer2() {
        // more DB stuff here

fails to start a new transaction because while the code of saveCustomer() executes in the CustomerDAO proxy, the code of saveCustomer2() gets executed in the unwrapped CustomerDAO class, as I can see by looking at 'this' in the debugger, and so Spring has no chance to intercept the call to saveCustomer2.

However, in the following example, when transactionManager() calls createDataSource() it is correctly intercepted and calls createDataSource() of the proxy, not of the unwrapped class, as evidenced by looking at 'this' in the debugger.

public class PersistenceJPAConfig {
    public DriverManagerDataSource createDataSource() {
        DriverManagerDataSource dataSource = new DriverManagerDataSource();
        //dataSource.set ... DB stuff here
        return dataSource;

       public PlatformTransactionManager transactionManager(   ){
           DataSourceTransactionManager transactionManager = new DataSourceTransactionManager(createDataSource());
           return transactionManager;

So my question is, why can Spring correctly intercept the intra class function calls in the second example, but not in the first. Is it using different types of dynamic proxies?

Edit: From the answers here and other sources I now understand the following: @Transactional is implemented using Spring AOP, where the proxy pattern is carried out by wrapping/composition of the user class. The AOP proxy is generic enough so that many Aspects can be chained together, and may be a CGLib proxy or a Java Dynamic Proxy.

In the @Configuration class, Spring also uses CGLib to create an enhanced class which inherits from the user @Configuration class, and overrides the user's @Bean functions with ones that do some extra work before calling the user's/super function such as check if this is the first invocation of the function or not. Is this class a proxy? It depends on the definition. You may say that it is a proxy which uses inheritance from the real object instead of wrapping it using composition.

To sum up, from the answers given here I understand these are two entirely different mechanisms. Why these design choices were made is another, open question.


  • Because AOP proxies and @Configuration class serve a different purpose, and are implemented in a significantly different ways (even though both involve using proxies). Basically, AOP uses composition while @Configuration uses inheritance.

    AOP proxies

    The way these work is basically that they create proxies that do the relevant advice logic before/after delegating the call to the original (proxied) object. The container registers this proxy instead of the proxied object itself, so all dependencies are set to this proxy and all calls from one bean to another go through this proxy. However, the proxied object itself has no pointer to the proxy (it doesn't know it's proxied, only the proxy has a pointer to the target object). So any calls within that object to other methods don't go through the proxy.

    (I'm only adding this here for contrast with @Configuration, since you seem to have correct understanding of this part.)


    Now while the objects that you usually apply the AOP proxy to are a standard part of your application, the @Configuration class is different - for one, you probably never intend to create any instances of that class directly yourself. This class truly is just a way to write configuration of the bean container, has no meaning outside Spring and you know that it will be used by Spring in a special way and that it has some special semantics outside of just plain Java code - e.g. that @Bean-annotated methods actually define Spring beans.

    Because of this, Spring can do much more radical things to this class without worrying that it will break something in your code (remember, you know that you only provide this class for Spring, and you aren't going to ever create or use its instance directly).

    What it actually does is it creates a proxy that's subclass of the @Configuration class. This way, it can intercept invocation of every (non-final non-private) method of the @Configuration class, even within the same object (because the methods are effectively all overriden by the proxy, and Java has all the methods virtual). The proxy does exactly this to redirect any method calls that it recognizes to be (semantically) references to Spring beans to the actual bean instances instead of invoking the superclass method.