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How to enter a number textbox between 10-50 as a percentage format in vba userforms?

I am trying to do give limitations a textbox between 10-50 and it have to be in percentage number format.However, when i tried this code below it sends message box to every number what i have entered.What i wrong with this code? Thank you.

        Private Sub TextBox4_Change()
        If(TextBox4.Value<50 And TextBox4.Value>5) Then
        TextBox4.Value = Format(TextBox4.Value, "0.00%")
        Msgbox " Please enter the number between 10 -50"
        End Sub


  • There's a bit to do if you want to foolproof it. Not saying this is 100% the solution you want but there are a few things considered a in this code that you need to think about yourself ...

    Private bIsChanging As Boolean
    Private Sub TextBox4_Change()
        Dim dblValue As Double, bIsError As Boolean
        If TextBox4.Text = "" Then Exit Sub
        If bIsChanging Then Exit Sub
        bIsError = True
        If IsNumeric(TextBox4.Text) Then
            dblValue = CDbl(TextBox4.Value)
            If dblValue >= 0 And dblValue <= 50 Then
                bIsError = False
            End If
        End If
        If bIsError Then
            MsgBox "Please enter the number between 1 and 50."
        End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub TextBox4_Enter()
        On Error Resume Next
        Dim dblNewValue As Double, strFormat As String
        If TextBox4.Text = "" Then Exit Sub
        dblNewValue = CDbl(Replace(TextBox4.Value, "%", ""))
        strFormat = "0"
        If dblNewValue - (1 * (dblNewValue \ 1)) <> 0 Then
            strFormat = "0.00"
        End If
        bIsChanging = True
        TextBox4.Value = Format(dblNewValue, strFormat)
        bIsChanging = False
    End Sub
    Private Sub TextBox4_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
        On Error Resume Next
        bIsChanging = True
        TextBox4.Value = Format(TextBox4.Value / 100, "0.00%")
        bIsChanging = False
    End Sub

    enter image description here

    It uses the enter and exit events to try and reformat the cell from an input to an output.

    I hope it helps and I hope I've tested it enough to make sure it works well. :-)