I'm trying to move the characters that are not digit from the char array "buffer" to new array "clean". "buffer" is created by using scanf function.
.section bss
.skip 20
.skip 20
movl $0, %ebx
movl $0, %ecx
movb buffer(%ebx), %cl
pushl %ecx
call isdigit #nonzero if digit.
addl $4, %esp
incl %ebx
cmpl $0, %eax
jne clean_buffer #jmp to clean_buffer if digit
jmp end_cleanloop
movb %cl, clean(%ebx)
jmp cleanloop
movb $0, clean(%ebx) #add null character at the end.
pushl $clean
call atoi #stores atoi value at eax
addl $4, %esp
subl $4, iIndex
pushl %eax
jmp input
What's questionable is about these two lines.
movb buffer(%ebx), %cl
movb %cl, clean(%ebx)
The first line stores the certain character in buffer to cl. However, second line doesn't take any action. Even when I checked with gdb, no value was stored in clean.
Why does mov instruction works in first line, but not in second line?
I made a mistake with incl %ebx
I increased the index stored in ebx before copying the value.
This line should go after the movb %cl, clean(%ebx)
It DOES work the other way around.