I'm having an error when splitting data extract from excel. when I'm on a.java
it works. But now I'm converting my scripts to Java Xtend and now I am having the following error.
Here is the code
var dashboards = M3ASmokeTest.ReadExcelFile();
var countdsh = 0;
var countdom = 0;
var countrep = 0;
for(String groupedDomain: dashboards)
var domain = dashboards.get(countdom).split(";")[0];
var dboards = dashboards.get(countdsh).split(";")[1];
var reports = dashboards.get(countdsh).split(";")[2];'
Must admit, I don't know xtend, but from the docs it says :
https://www.eclipse.org/xtend/documentation/2.3.0/Documentation.pdf page 39
When a method call’s last parameter is a lambda it can be passed right after the parameter list. For instance if you want to sort some strings by their length, you could write :
Collections::sort(someStrings) [ a, b | a.length - b.length ]
So the square brackets denote lambda expressions, which is what you're getting (so I'm guessing a bug in xtend that it's incorrectly trying to apply that in your case).
Since it appears xtend automatically converts Arrays to Lists (page 15), try replacing the [0] with get(0), so :
var domain = dashboards.get(countdom).split(";").get(0);