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Using admin API to add client role to user

I'm trying to use keycloak AdminAPI ( to create user and assign client roles. I'm receiving correct token, and user is created but assigning roles return 404.

I'm using Postman to connect with API:

Content-Type application/x-www-form-urlencoded <-with parameters ofc

Content-Type application/json
Authorization Bearer {TOKEN}
   "username": "name",
   "enabled": true,
   "emailVerified": false,
   "firstName": "first",
   "lastName": "last",
   "credentials": [
           "type": "password",
           "value": "newPas1*",
           "temporary": false

Above works for me, but the next one doesn't


Content-Type application/json
Authorization Bearer {TOKEN}
   "roles": [
           "id": "0830ff39-43ea-48bb-af8f-696bc420c1ce",
           "name": "create-client",
           "description": "${role_create-client}",
           "composite": false,
           "clientRole": true,
           "containerId": "344e7c81-e7a2-4a43-b013-57d7ed198eee"

Where 'xxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxx' is userID returned during creation and create-client role exists

I need a way to add client role via Http request. I saw there are some keycloack implementation for java but I'm using .NET CORE so there will be the target implementation but I need to have working request first as you may guess.


  • You have to pass client UUID to the role-mappings REST method, not the ID that you specify when creating a client in admin UI. Use GET /admin/realms/{realm}/clients?clientId=realm-management REST method to find out the client UUID.


    In Keycloak 6.0.1 to add a role it is required to pass role name and id.


    POST /auth/admin/realms/{realm}/users/{user}/role-mappings/clients/{client}
        "id": "0830ff39-43ea-48bb-af8f-696bc420c1ce",
        "name": "create-client"