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Task.ContinueWith not very popular with async code?

We want to execute invoke 10 tasks in parallel and handle each of the 10 results in parallel.

to achieve, created a list of tasks and used continuewith each of which are associated to async methods,


private async Task<List<bool>> TransformJobsAsync(
            List<T> jobs)
            var result = new List<bool>() { true };
            var tasks = new List<Task<bool>>(jobs.Count);

                foreach (var j in jobs)
tasks .Add(InvokeSomeAsync(j).ContinueWith(x => HandleResultAsync(x, j)).Unwrap());

                await Task.WhenAll(tasks);
                return tasks.Select(x => x.Result).ToList();
            catch (Exception ex)
                result = new List<bool>() { false };
            return result;

Task<(T response, T job)> InvokeSomeAsync        (T  job)
            var cts = new CancellationTokenSource();


var response = await SomeThirdPartyApi(request, cts.Token);

                if (response.HttpStatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK)


                return (response, job);
            catch (OperationCanceledException opexException)
                contextMessage = Messages.TranformationExecutionTimedOut;
            catch (Exception ex)
                contextMessage = Messages.UnHandledException;
                cts = null; //why? suggested pattern? review.

            return await Task.FromException<(response, T Job)>(
                throw new Exception());

    async Task<bool> HandleResultAsync(Task<(T response, T job)> task,                                                         T job)

                    if (task.Status == TaskStatus.RanToCompletion)
                        if (task.Result.Status)
                            response = await CallMoreAsync(task.Result.reponse,
                                job, currentServiceState);
                            //log returned response = false
                        //log task failed
                catch (Exception ex)
                    response = false;
                    await DoCleanUpAsync();
                return response;

I wanted to know if there is any better pattern and continuewith is not appropriate to use!

Sometimes We get this error, System.Net.Sockets.Socket.AwaitableSocketAsyncEventArgs.ThrowException(SocketError error)


  • You should not use ContinueWith. ContinueWith is a low-level, dangerous way to do the same thing as await. Modern code should use await instead.

    To combine two asynchronous operations (e.g., InvokeSomeAsync and HandleResultAsync), introduce an async method:

    async Task<bool> InvokeAndHandleResultAsync<T>(T job)
      var task = InvokeSomeAsync(job);
      return await HandleResultAsync(task, job);

    This can then be used in your foreach:

    foreach (var j in jobs)

    Other notes:

    • CancellationTokenSource should be disposed.
    • await Task.From* is usually a yellow flag.
    • Using Task.Status is a red flag.
    • Use exceptions for exceptional situations, rather than having a bool result with a contextMessage state somewhere else.

    I'd write it something like:

    async Task InvokeAndHandleResultAsync<T>(T job)
      using (var cts = new CancellationTokenSource(30000))
          var response = await SomeThirdPartyApi(request, cts.Token);
          if (!response.Status)
            //log returned response = false
          await CallMoreAsync(response, job, currentServiceState);
        catch (Exception ex)
          //log task failed
          await DoCleanUpAsync();

    Also, instead of building a list of tasks, you can simplify that code:

    private async Task TransformJobsAsync(List<T> jobs)
      return Task.WhenAll(jobs.Select(j => InvokeAndHandleResult(j)));