Search code examples

Elasticsearch NEST Suggester parser(s) not found

I'm attempting to utilize Elasticsearch's 'Suggester' functionality.

Using Phrase, Term, or Completion I always get the following error variation.

unable to parse SuggestionBuilder with name [COMPLETION]: parser not found"
unable to parse SuggestionBuilder with name [TERM]: parser not found"
unable to parse SuggestionBuilder with name [PHRASE]: parser not found"

I have tried multiple 6.x NEST versions and they all have the same issue. Upgrading to 7.0alpha1 does change the error, but seems to cause a myriad of other issues, and I rather not use an alpha library in production.

I'm currently following this tutorial and working it into my existing code:

Currently using NEST 6.1


public class SearchResult {

      public SearchResult()
                    TitleSuggest = new CompletionField {Input = new List<string>(Title.Split(' '))};
                public CompletionField TitleSuggest { get; set; }

Index Method:

public async Task<IActionResult> CreateIndex()
            await _searchClient.CreateIndexAsync(SearchIndexName, indexSelector =>
                    .Mappings(mappingsDescriptor =>
                        mappingsDescriptor.Map<Models.SearchResult>(y => y.AutoMap().Properties(pr=>pr.Completion(c => c.Name(p => p.TitleSuggest)

Suggest Method:

public async Task<ISearchResponse<SearchResult>> Suggest(string keyword)
return await _searchClient.SearchAsync<SearchResult>(
                s =>
                        s.Suggest(ss => ss
                            .Completion("title", cs => cs
                                .Field(f => f.TitleSuggest)
                                .Fuzzy(f => f

I'm having a hard time deciphering the error. It seems as though the NEST libraries are missing the Suggester parsers? Any help would be great, thanks!


  • As a follow up, @RussCam answered my question here

    I had a ConnectionSetting (DefaultFieldNameInferrer) that was uppercasing my suggester

    private IElasticClient ElasticClient(IConfiguration _config, string defaultIndex)
      var settings = new ConnectionSettings(new Uri(_config.GetSection("Search:Url").Value))
        .BasicAuthentication(_config.GetSection("Search:User").Value, _config.GetSection("Search:Password").Value)
      //settings.DefaultFieldNameInferrer(p => p.ToUpper(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture));
      //Enable ElasticSearch Debugging
      return new ElasticClient(settings);