I want to test a function which returns struct of array.
This is sample code.
struct Hoge {
uint id;
string text;
constructor() public {
hoges.push(Hoge(1, "Hogehoge"));
function hogehoge() external view returns(Hoge memory) {
return hoges[0];
And my test is this.
var Sample = artifacts.require('./Sample.sol');
contract('sample', function(accounts) {
it('facilitates number of place and check-in', function() {
return Sample.deployed().then(function(instance) {
sampleInstance = instance;
return sampleInstance.hogehoge()
}).then(function(result) {
hoges = result;
assert.equal(hoges.id, 1);
However, error shows
invalid solidity type!: tuple
The function which return struct of array needs ABIEncoderV2.
I heard that web3 is trying to support ABIEncoderV2, but I am not sure web3 supports ABIEncoderV2 now.
My version is this:
Could you give me any advice how to test my code, please?
Starting with truffle v5, ABIEncoderV2 is supported. I would suggest upgrading from your current version to v5.