My requirement is to convert two string and create a JSON file(using spray JSON) and save in a resource directory.
one input string contains the ID and other input strings contain the score and topic
id = "alpha1"
inputstring = "science 30 math 24"
Expected output JSON is
{“ContentID”: “alpha1”,
“Topics”: [
{"Score" : 30, "TopicID" : "Science" },
{ "Score" : 24, "TopicID" : "math”}
below is the approach I have taken and am stuck in the last place
Define the case class
case class Topic(Score: String, TopicID: String)
case class Model(contentID: String, topic: Array[Topic])
implicit val topicJsonFormat: RootJsonFormat[Topic] = jsonFormat2(Topic)
implicit val modelJsonFormat: RootJsonFormat[Model] = jsonFormat2(Model)
Parsing the input string
val a = input.split(" ").zipWithIndex.collect{case(v,i) if (i % 2 == 0) =>
val b = input.split(" ").zipWithIndex.collect{case(v,i) if (i % 2 != 0) =>
val result =
And finally transversing through result
paired foreach {case (x,y) =>
val tClass = Topic(x, y)
val mClassJsonString = Topic(x, y).toJson.prettyPrint
And the file is generated as
{"Score" : 30, "TopicID" : "Science" }
{ "Score" : 24, "TopicID" : "math”}
The problem is I am not able to add the contentID
as needed above.
Adding ContentId inside foreach is making contentID
added multiple time.
You're calling toJson
inside foreach creating strings and then you're appending it to buffer.
What you probably wanted to do is to create a class (ADT) hierarchy first and then serialize it:
val topics =
//toArray might be not necessary if topics variable is already an array
val model = Model("alpha1", topics.toArray)
val json = model.toJson.prettyPrint