I'm using POI and i want to insert some lines in a xlsx. In this file, I have some images inside a table. When i shift rows by doing this :
sheet.shiftRows(30, sheet.getLastRowNum(), 10, true, true);
some images are in the wrong place and are resized.
How can I move all the items at once without resizing images and let them in the right place?
Came across this issue and this code worked for me Basically what needs to happen is change the anchors for the images to reflect the new row indexes.
XSSFDrawing drawings = mainSheet.createDrawingPatriarch();
for(XSSFShape shape : drawings.getShapes()){
if(shape instanceof Picture){
XSSFPicture picture = (XSSFPicture) shape;
XSSFClientAnchor anchor = picture.getClientAnchor();
int row1 = anchor.getRow1();
if (row1 >= 30 && row1 <= mainSheet.getLastRowNum()) {
int row2 = anchor.getRow2();
anchor.setRow1(row1 + 10);
anchor.setRow2(row2 + 10);
This is what happens :