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How to import specific version of Tensorflow.js?

I am trying to integrate the TensorFlow library into my IDE so I can train with it.

I went to this site: and it looks like I got the latest and greatest version:

<script src="[email protected]/dist/tf.min.js"></script>

However, that version is not working for because of how it outputs the tf object in my code editor.

I am looking for something close to this version:

enter image description here

But as you can see, it's confusing to me, which one of these is it exactly? When I pull up the versions property in my console I just see 1.0.0 across the board, so I am not sure what version I am looking for, but it's whatever outputs what you see above or close to it.

The important thing is I write out in my IDE:

const data = tf.tensor([1,2,3]);
const otherData = tf.tensor([4,5,6]);


I should see this: [5, 7, 9] outputted, instead I see this:



  • You are looking for tensor.print().

    If you really need to change the version, just change it in the src attribute of the script tag.