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Division by neural network; fixed value produced each time

I'm trying to develop a neural network to multiply and divide two numbers using this method. The multiplication part goes well, but the division doesn't - each time the program is run, for each pair of inputs, a small near-fixed value(fixed each time the program is run) is obtained as output. With the help of an answer on a previous question I asked (I'd recommend not going back and reading all of it, to avoid confusion), I made some progress, but have still run into problems, and thought it best to ask a new question. The code for my neural network is:

import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
from tensorflow.keras.models import Sequential
from tensorflow.keras.layers import Dense
from tensorflow.keras import regularizers

num_train = 1000

X_train = np.random.rand(num_train, 2)
y_train_add = X_train[:, 0] + X_train[:, 1]

model_add = Sequential(

batch_size = 32
epochs = 100

model_add.compile(loss = 'mse', optimizer='adam'), y_train_add, batch_size=batch_size, epochs=epochs, verbose = 1)

a = np.random.random((2000000,1))*100-50
b = np.random.random((100000,1))*10
x_train = np.append(a, b)
#This is because previously there had been severe inaccuracies near 0, which led to problems during division, so I increased the training data near zero
y_train = np.square(x_train)

model_sqr = Sequential(
            Dense(8, activation = 'elu', kernel_regularizer = regularizers.l2(0.001), input_shape = (1,)),
            Dense(8, activation = 'elu', kernel_regularizer = regularizers.l2(0.001)),


batch_size = 32
epochs = 100

model_sqr.compile(loss = 'mse', optimizer='adam'), y_train, batch_size=batch_size, epochs=epochs, verbose = 1)

x = "n" 
while True:
    print("enter first num:")
    x = input()
    if x == "end":

    print("Enter operation:")
    op= input()

    print("enter second num:")
    y = input()

    X = int(x)
    Y = int(y)
    Ydiv = np.reciprocal(Y)

    if op == "*":
        predicted_product = model_sqr.predict(model_add.predict(np.array([[X, Y]]))) - model_sqr.predict(np.array([X])) -  model_sqr.predict(np.array([Y]))
    elif op =="/":
        predicted_quot = model_sqr.predict(model_add.predict(np.array([[X, Ydiv]]))) - model_sqr.predict(np.array([X])) -  model_sqr.predict(np.array([Ydiv]))

For example, on saving the weights and running the program, for each pair of numbers used, approximately -0.123 is obtained each time I run it.

In an effort to understand why this was going on, I ran 25/5, for example, with the program modified to show (25+(1/5))^2, 25^2, and (1/5)^2 too. I got the values 623.7364, 623.73645, and 0.24594116.

To understand why these values were obtained and how to fix them, I plotted the square function(orange) and my neural network model for square(blue) together:

enter image description here

Zoomed in close to 25;

enter image description here

Zoomed in close to 0;

enter image description here

The problem is, the intermediate values that I see were predicted from the plots aren't the ones I printed out. Using the cursor, I could see, for example, that 25^2 was predicted to be approximately 624, (25+(1/5))^2 was predicted to be approximately 634 and (1/5)^2 was predicted to be 0.42. Using those values, you would get an acceptable answer, but the values I printed out are different.

(1): Why are these values different?

(2): How can I make the model make the acceptable predictions the plot seems to make?


  • I think the problem is that when you do the reciprocal of the integer value Y, it returns 0, so you are always calculating the product of X by zero.

    Y = int(y)
    Ydiv = np.reciprocal(Y) # Ydiv is zero because the reciprocal of a positive integer is zero

    I think this is the main reason your program always returns the same result.

    To overcome this situation you could e.g.:

    X = int(x)
    Y = int(y)
    Ydiv = np.reciprocal(Y * 1.0)
    if op == "*":
        add_predict = model_add.predict(np.array([[X, Y]]))
        add = float(add_predict[0][0]);
        msqr = model_sqr.predict(np.array([add]));
        xsqr = model_sqr.predict(np.array([X]));
        ysqr = model_sqr.predict(np.array([Y]));
        predicted_product = msqr - xsqr - ysqr
        result = predicted_product[0][0] / 2.0
        print(f'result of {X} * {Y}: {result}')
    elif op =="/":
        add_predict = model_add.predict(np.array([[X, Ydiv]]))
        print("x + 1/y = ")
        add = float(add_predict[0][0]);
        msqr = model_sqr.predict(np.array([add]));
        xsqr = model_sqr.predict(np.array([X]));
        ysqr = model_sqr.predict(np.array([Ydiv]));
        #predicted_quot = model_sqr.predict(model_add.predict(np.array([[X, Ydiv]]))) - model_sqr.predict(np.array([X])) -  model_sqr.predict(np.array([Ydiv]))
        predicted_quot = msqr - xsqr - ysqr
        print("x + 1/y = ")
        print("(x + 1/y)^2 = ")
        print("(x)^2 = ")
        print("(y)^2 = ")

    I executed a 1000-loops run of your program for an x/y division giving results between 0 and 50, and the error between expected result and predicted one seems good, just there is an offset of 0.5 to compensate and some divergence for values close to zero

    enter image description here