I have 3 equations and 4 unknowns that I want to solve for. Of course there are solutions, but vpasolve doesnt return any, if I drop down to 3 eq and 3 unknowns, it works good. I know that with more unknowns I have pretty much infinite number of solutions, so how do I make it work in that case?
Here is my code:
syms x y z theta1 theta2 theta3 phi1
xEquation = x == cos(theta1)*cos(phi1) + cos(theta1 + theta2)*cos(phi1) + cos(theta1 + theta2 + theta3)*cos(phi1)
yEquation = y == cos(theta1)*sin(phi1) + cos(theta1 + theta2)*sin(phi1) + cos(theta1 + theta2 + theta3)*sin(phi1)
zEquation = z == sin(theta1) + sin(theta1 + theta2) + sin(theta1 + theta2 + theta3)
x = 2;
y = 1.5;
z = 0;
sol = vpasolve([eval(xEquation), eval(yEquation), eval(zEquation)], [theta1, theta2, theta3, phi1], [-pi pi; -pi pi; -pi pi; -pi pi;]);
That produces sol struct with 4 fields but they are empty, no solutions.
Solving m equations with n unknowns such as m<n
, means some variables will be parameters that's depending on other variables.
For example
x-3y+z = 2
x-y+5z = 5
Let suppose z
to be the parameter
To solve this in Matlab here is the code
syms x y z
eq1 = x-3*y+z ==2;
eq2 = x-y+5*z ==5;
sol = solve(eq1, eq2, x, y);
As you can see z
been omitting in solve expression, which means it will be considered as the parameter
The solution is
sol.x = 13/2 - 7*z
sol.y = 3/2 - 2*z
x, y and z
are not numerical
values, so that's the reason you can not use vpasolve
stands for Variable-precision arithmetic
. vpasolve gives a
precision to numerical solutionx, y and z
are not numerical values you can not predefine
a range for them, unless you fix z
firstYou may use solve
to have a view of the solution set, here I consider phi1
to the parameter, so omitted it in solve expression
syms x y z theta1 theta2 theta3 phi1
xEquation = 2 == cos(theta1)*cos(phi1) + cos(theta1 + theta2)*cos(phi1) + cos(theta1 + theta2 + theta3)*cos(phi1);
yEquation = 1.5 == cos(theta1)*sin(phi1) + cos(theta1 + theta2)*sin(phi1) + cos(theta1 + theta2 + theta3)*sin(phi1);
zEquation = 0 == sin(theta1) + sin(theta1 + theta2) + sin(theta1 + theta2 + theta3);
sol = solve(xEquation, yEquation, zEquation, theta1, theta2, theta3);
sol.theta1 = [-pi*(2*n - 1); pi*(2*m + 1); pi*k; pi*k]
sol.theta2 = [pi*(2*m + 1); -pi*(2*n - 1); -pi*(2*n - 1); z]
sol.theta3 = [pi*k; pi*k; pi*(2*m + 1); pi*(2*m + 1)]
phi1 is the parameter
X = [sol.theta1(1); sol.theta2(1); sol.theta3(1); phi1]
X = [-pi*(2*n - 1); pi*(2*m + 1); pi*k; phi1]
There are 4 sets written accordingly to the above deductions
is the parameter, k, m, n
are integer numbers which are mainly
used for trigonometric functions periodicity
If you set z
in range [-pi, pi]
you can adjust k, m and n
get valid solution in range [-pi, pi]
ceq = 0
[-pi pi]
is transformed to lb = -pi
ub = pi
t = 0:0.1:1;
x = 1.5 + 0.5 .* cos(8 .* pi .* t);
y = 1.5 + 0.5 .* sin(8 .* pi .* t);
z = 1 .* t .* ones(size(x));
lb = -pi*ones(1, 4);
ub = -lb;
p0 = zeros(1,4);
sol = cell(1,length(t));
for i = 1:length(t)
sol{i} = fmincon(@(p)0,p0,[],[],[],[],lb,ub,@(p)nonlincon(x(i),y(i), z(i), p(1), p(2), p(3), p(4)));
function [c, ceq] = nonlincon(x,y, z, theta1, theta2, theta3, phi1)
c = [];
ceq(1) = cos(theta1)*cos(phi1) + cos(theta1 + theta2)*cos(phi1) + cos(theta1 + theta2 + theta3)*cos(phi1)-x;
ceq(2) = cos(theta1)*sin(phi1) + cos(theta1 + theta2)*sin(phi1) + cos(theta1 + theta2 + theta3)*sin(phi1)-y;
ceq(3) = sin(theta1) + sin(theta1 + theta2) + sin(theta1 + theta2 + theta3)-z;
Second set of solution when t = 0.1
is sol{2}
sol{2}.(1) = pheta1
sol{2}.(2) = pheta2
sol{2}.(3) = pheta3
sol{2}.(4) = phi1
You can follow same logic to find solution at different time t
The Entire solution