I have seen this post Gradle multi project distribution but still have some doubts.
I would like to create the following project layout
root |--lib-java-module |--spring-boot-module |--3PP_A_module # not java | |-- custom scripts, config |--3PP_B_module # not java | |-- custom scripts, config |--dist-module
As you might have guessed, I want the dist-module to build myapp-dist.tar.gz with libjava.jar, sprintbootapp.jar, 3pp-a.tar, 3pp-b.tar.
myapp-dist.tar.gz libjava.jar sprintbootapp.jar 3pp-a.tar 3pp-b.tar.
The 3pp-a-module and the 3pp-b-module only contain some configuration files and startup scripts. No java or any compiled code. How to package them individually into tar files (no compression)?
How to define dependencies in dist-module to the other modules? Is it possible to get the other modules built when build is triggered from dist-module?
I setup my test project based on @marco-r's answer and it works except for packaging the war file. Checkout the test project from github https://github.com/KiranMohan/study-spring-boot.
This is the project setup of interest.
include ':sb-2.1-multi-package', ':sb-2.1-multi-package:hello-rest-lib',
include 'sb-2.1-3pp-resources'
include 'sb-2.1-build'
However adding hello-rest-war to sb-2.1-build.tar.gz fails.
Instead of war files, its the dependencies that are getting packaged.
dependencies {
archivesDeps project(path: ':sb-2.1-3pp-resources', configuration: 'archives')
javaDeps project(":sb-2.1-multi-package:hello-rest-war")
task copyJavaDeps(type: Copy) {
from configurations.javaDeps
// create distribution bundle
distributions {
main {
contents {
into "/springapp/multimodule"
Contents of the package
How to package war file (hello-rest-war module) and without all the transitive dependencies?
This is multiple question scenario, so I am going to address it in parts.
- Since all
have the same building requirements create abuild.gradle
in each of the submodules that refer to an actual build gradle that have the common functionality required:
apply from: '../tarArtifact.gradle'
- In the parent folder create the previously referred
to have the functionality to TAR the contents of a subfolder (arbitrarily chosen ascontents
) of a referring subproject:
apply plugin: 'base'
task tarContents(type: Tar) {
from 'contents'
archiveName = "${project.name}.tar"
destinationDir file('build/tar')
artifacts {
archives file: tarContents.archivePath, type: 'tar', builtBy: tarContents
Since the archives
configuration is wired to the output of the tarContents
(builtBy: tarContents
), then the archives
configuration can be used to retrieve the desired TAR
as the output of building this project naturally.
- Create in
the followingbuild.gradle
apply plugin: 'distribution'
plugins.withType(DistributionPlugin) {
distTar {
compression = Compression.GZIP
extension = 'tar.gz'
configurations {
dependencies {
wholeProjectDist project(path: ':3pp-a-module', configuration: 'archives')
wholeProjectDist project(path: ':3pp-b-module', configuration: 'archives')
wholeProjectDist project(':lib-java-module')
wholeProjectDist project(':spring-boot-module')
distributions {
main {
contents {
from configurations.wholeProjectDist
This gradle file includes the following:
file from the artifacts generated by all the other subprojects.distTar
task (of the DistributionPlugin
plugin) to compress any generated TAR
using it by using GZIP
to capture the dependencies of dist-module
itself; which we will use with the distribution plugin's tasks.dist-module
as the artifacts output by the siblings' subprojects; using the newly created wholeProjectDist
configuration to have as contents
all the files from configurations.wholeProjectDist
- Create a
file underdist-module
to allow it to access its siblings modules usingincludeFlat
includeFlat '3pp-a-module', '3pp-b-module', 'lib-java-module', 'spring-boot-module'
- Include in the parent folder a
file to include all children submodules (as the root project):
includeFlat '3pp-a-module', '3pp-b-module', 'lib-java-module', 'spring-boot-module'
- Build the desired
files by invoking the gradle command (from the root folder):
gradle :dist-module:distTar
Hope this helps.