I am wondering on a way on how I can grab the direction a Navmesh Agent is walking, with these values I planned on referencing them to a Blendtree to where certain animations would play depending on the AI direction, Using a 2D Free form Cartesian plane I planned on using those referenced direction values to play certain animations, with the X and Z directions both starting off at zero. so to walk forward the Z value would be 1, while the X value would be 0
Currently I have already tried using rigid body velocity and transform.forward (X and Z), while I received no values using velocity the transform.forward did give increasing values however it did not seem like the values I was looking for (these values need to be in a range from 0-1), as well as never had a starting position(Idle) of 0,0
void animationUpdate() {
anim.SetFloat("Enemy Z", /* Unsure what to do*/);
anim.SetFloat("Enemy X", /* Unsure what to do*/);
if (/*transform.forward.x != 0 && transform.forward.z != 0*/) {
anim.SetBool("isWalking", true);
} else {
anim.SetBool("isWalking", false);
My Cartesian Plane is the following
Any Help would be appreciated, thank you for reading
You can use desiredVelocity
to find what direction it's moving, and then Vector3.Project
to decompose that into how it's moving forward/right.
Vector3 normalizedMovement = nav.desiredVelocity.normalized;
Vector3 forwardVector = Vector3.Project(normalizedMovement, transform.forward);
Vector3 rightVector = Vector3.Project (normalizedMovement, transform.right);
Get the magnitude (which, because we projected the normalized movement, will be a float between -1 and 1) and use Vector3.Dot
to determine the sign of the magnitude in each component:
// Dot(direction1, direction2) = 1 if they are in the same direction, -1 if they are opposite
float forwardVelocity = forwardVector.magnitude * Vector3.Dot(forwardVector, transform.forward);
float rightVelocity = rightVector.magnitude * Vector3.Dot(rightVector, transform.right);
Now, you can assign them to your animation, converting the range from [-1,1] to [0,1] using Mathf.InverseLerp
anim.SetFloat("Enemy Z", Mathf.InverseLerp(-1f, 1f, forwardVelocity));
anim.SetFloat("Enemy X", Mathf.InverseLerp(-1f, 1f, rightVelocity));