I'm trying to extract all image links within double quotations.
I'm able to get text within quotes by using
but I want to get only those values which match following pattern
(... Represents similar values)
How can I achieve this?
If the url has to start with http and optional s and it has to contain .jpg
you might make your pattern a bit more specific:
Match opening " and start capturing group
Match http with optional s and ://[^"\s]+
Match not " or a whitespace char\/\S+?\.jpg
Match a forward slash, 1+ times a non whitespace char non greedy and .jpg[^"\s]*
Match 0+ times not a whitespace char or " to match what follows the file extension)"
Close capturing group and match closing "let pattern = /"(https?:\/\/[^"\s]+\/\S+?\.jpg[^"\s]*)"/;
].forEach(s => console.log(s.match(pattern)[1]))