I am automating e2e scenarios using Cucumber, Nightwatch / node.js and javaScript.
I want to define variables than can be accessed from different .js files. Currently there are some variables defined in globals/globals.js file in the following format:
module.exports = {
testVar: "testVariableDefinition",
Once defined I am accessing them through:
var test = this.api.globals.testVar;
So this means that I want to define other variables in a file different than globals.js and access them later. The reason behind this is that I cannot define all variables in one file, it is a little bit messy.
Since you've exported the variable, you could simply import
or require
it where you want to use.
// Assuming fileA.js and fileB.js are in the same directory
// fileA.js
module.exports = {
testVar: "testVariableDefinition",
// fileB.js
const { testVar } = require('./fileA');