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Initializing generic type inside generic class in Typescript

I want to initialize a generic class variable inside a generic class using a generic type, but I can't figure out if there is a way to do this.

Initializing with types works fine, it doesn't seem like it work with generics though.

type EventCallback<I, O> = (event: I) => O;

type ListenerList<K extends string | symbol | number, I, O, V extends EventCallback<I, O>> = {
    [T in K]: V[];

const test: ListenerList<string, string, string, (event: any) => any> = {}; // Works fine

export default class EventProcesser<
  K extends string | symbol | number,
  V extends EventCallback<I, O>
> {
  private listeners: ListenerList<K, I, O, V> = {}; // Error :(

I get the following error Type '{}' is not assignable to type 'ListenerList<K, I, O, V>'. Is there a way to do this?


  • K can be a string literal type, so EventProcesser<'prop', ..> is valid meaning that listeners must have property named prop. This means that your default will not be valid for any K passed in as it should be.

    You can use Partial to let the compiler know that no properties will be required:

    type EventCallback<I, O> = (event: I) => O;
    type ListenerList<K extends string | symbol | number, I, O, V extends EventCallback<I, O>> = {
        [T in K]: V[];
    const test: ListenerList<string, string, string, (event: any) => any> = {}; // Works fine
    export default class EventProcesser<
        K extends string | symbol | number,
        V extends EventCallback<I, O>
        > {
        private listeners: Partial<ListenerList<K, I, O, V>> = {}; // ok