I have been working on implementing a grayscale gradient with different dithering methods, but the task calls for the gradient to be horizontal starting with black on the left. In my attempts to rotate the image horizontally I have tried:
std::reverse(result.begin(), result.end())
I have also tried handling the vector like a 2D array:
temp = result[i][j];
result[i][j] = result[i][width - 1 - j];
result[i][width - 1 - j] = temp;
None of these methods have worked so far. Here's the code I'm working with:
//***headers n stuff***
vector<vector<int>> gradient(int height, int width)
assert(height > 0 && width > 0);
int cf = height / 255;
int color = 0;
vector<vector<int>> result(width, vector<int>(height));
for (int i = 0; i < height; i += cf)
for (int j = 0; j < cf; j++)
fill(result[i + j].begin(), result[i + j].end(), color % 255);
stable_sort(result.begin(), result.end());
return result;
vector<vector<int>> Ordered(int height, int width, vector<vector<int>> result)
int ditherSize = 3;
int diterLookup[] = { 8, 3, 4, 6, 1, 2, 7, 5, 9 };
vector<vector<int>> temp(height, vector<int>(width));
for (int i = 0; i < height; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < width; j++)
int xlocal = i%ditherSize;
int ylocal = j%ditherSize;
int requiredShade = diterLookup[xlocal + ylocal * 3]*255/9;
if (requiredShade >= result[i][j])
result[i][j] = 0;
else {
result[i][j] = 255;
return temp;
vector<vector<int>> Random(int height, int width, vector<vector<int>> result)
int ditherSize = 3;
int diterLookup[] = { 8, 3, 4, 6, 1, 2, 7, 5, 9 };
//vector<vector<int>> result(height, vector<int>(width));
for (int i = 0; i < height; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < width; j++)
int requiredShade = rand() % 255;
if (requiredShade >= result[i][j]) {
result[i][j] = 0;
else {
result[i][j] = 255;
return result;
vector<vector<int>> Floyd_Steinberg(int height, int width, vector<vector<int>> result)
int ditherSize = 3;
int diterLookup[] = { 8, 3, 4, 6, 1, 2, 7, 5, 9 };
for (int i = 0; i < height; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < width; j++)
int oldpixel = result[i][j];
int newpixel;
if (oldpixel<=127) {
newpixel = 0;
else {
newpixel = 255;
result[i][j] = newpixel;
int quanterror = oldpixel - newpixel;
if (j < width - 1) {
result[i][j+1] += quanterror * 7 / 16;
if (i < height - 1) {
if (j > 0){
result[i + 1][j - 1] += quanterror * 3 / 16;
result[i+1][j] += quanterror * 5 / 16;
if (j < width - 1) {
result[i + 1][j + 1] += quanterror * 1 / 16;
return result;
vector<vector<int>> JJN(int height, int width, vector<vector<int>> result)
int ditherSize = 3;
int diterLookup[] = { 8, 3, 4, 6, 1, 2, 7, 5, 9 };
for (int i = 0; i < height; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < width; j++)
int oldpixel = result[i][j];
int newpixel;
if (oldpixel <= 127) {
newpixel = 0;
else {
newpixel = 255;
result[i][j] = newpixel;
int quanterror = oldpixel - newpixel;
if (j < width - 1) {
result[i][j + 1] += quanterror * 7 / 48;
result[i][j + 2] += quanterror * 5 / 48;
if (i < height - 1) {
if (j > 0) {
if (j > 1)
result[i + 1][j - 2] += quanterror * 3 / 48;
result[i + 1][j - 1] += quanterror * 5 / 48;
result[i + 1][j] += quanterror * 7 / 48;
if (j < width - 1) {
result[i + 1][j + 1] += quanterror * 5 / 48;
if (j < width - 2)
result[i + 1][j + 2] += quanterror * 3 / 48;
if (i < height - 2) {
if (j > 0) {
result[i + 2][j - 2] += quanterror * 1 / 48;
result[i + 2][j - 1] += quanterror * 3 / 48;
result[i + 2][j] += quanterror * 5 / 48;
if (j < width - 1) {
result[i + 2][j + 1] += quanterror * 3 / 48;
if (j < width - 2)
result[i + 2][j + 2] += quanterror * 1 / 48;
return result;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
if (argc < 5) {
cout << "usage:" << endl << "prog.exe <filename> <width> <height> <dithering>"<<endl;
return 0;
stringstream w(argv[2]);
stringstream h(argv[3]);
stringstream d(argv[4]);
int numcols, numrows, dithering;
//***handling error cases ***
ofstream file;
if (!file)
cout << "can't open file" << endl;
return 0;
file << "P5" << "\n";
file << numrows << " " << numcols << "\n";
file << 255 << "\n";
vector<vector<int>> pixmap{ gradient(numrows, numcols) };
switch (dithering) {
case 1:
pixmap = Ordered(numrows, numcols, pixmap);
case 2:
pixmap = Random(numrows, numcols, pixmap);
case 3:
pixmap = Floyd_Steinberg(numrows, numcols, pixmap);
case 4:
pixmap = JJN(numrows, numcols, pixmap);
for_each(pixmap.begin(), pixmap.end(), [&](const auto& v) {
copy(v.begin(), v.end(), ostream_iterator<char>{file, ""});
And here is the result Using Ordered Dither
If your gray scale image is stored as a std::vector<std::vector<int>>
, I have made the following code for you.
It rotates the image by 90 degrees in the trigonometric direction:
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
typedef std::vector<std::vector<int>> GrayScaleImage;
// To check is the GrayScaleImage is valid (rectangular and not empty matrix)
bool isValid(const GrayScaleImage & gsi)
bool valid(true);
size_t width(gsi[0].size());
for(unsigned int i = 1; valid && (i < gsi.size()); ++i)
if(gsi[i].size() != width)
valid = false;
valid = false;
return valid;
// To print the GrayScaleImage in the console (for the test)
void display(const GrayScaleImage & gsi)
for(const std::vector<int> & line : gsi)
for(size_t i = 0; i < line.size(); ++i)
std::cout << line[i] << ((i < line.size()-1) ? " " : "");
std::cout << '\n';
std::cout << std::flush;
// To rotate the GrayScaleImage by 90 degrees in the trigonometric direction
bool rotate90(const GrayScaleImage & gsi, GrayScaleImage & result)
bool success(false);
result = GrayScaleImage(gsi[0].size());
for(const std::vector<int> & line : gsi)
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < line.size(); ++i)
result[gsi[0].size()-1 - i].push_back(line[i]);
success = true;
return success;
// Test
int main()
GrayScaleImage original { {0, 1, 2}, {3, 4, 5}, {6, 7, 8}, {9, 10, 11} };
GrayScaleImage rotated;
rotate90(original, rotated);
std::cout << "Original:" << std::endl;
std::cout << "\nRotated:" << std::endl;
return 0;
The function that will interest you is rotate90()
The output of the test written in the main()
function is:
0 1 2
3 4 5
6 7 8
9 10 11Rotated:
2 5 8 11
1 4 7 10
0 3 6 9
As you can see, it worked successfully.
I hope it can help.
I tried with a real grayscale image generated and the rotate90()
function worked well.
Here is the view, before and after rotating the image (2 examples, landscape and portrait):
Example with landscape image
Example with portrait image
So now we know that the function works well.
I see that your result is not as expected (black area added, dimensions mismatching), that kind of behaviour can occur when you make mistakes with the dimensions of the matrixes.
The invalid output are not due to rotate90()
but to the PGM file generation. I think it is because the data are written as binaries but not the header.
The following function I have written creates valid PGM files:
typedef std::vector<std::vector<uint8_t>> GrayScaleImage;
bool createPGMImage(const std::string & file_path, const GrayScaleImage & img)
bool success(false);
std::ofstream out_s(file_path, std::ofstream::binary);
out_s << "P5\n" << img[0].size() << ' ' << img.size() << '\n' << 255 << '\n';
for(const std::vector<uint8_t> & line : img)
for(uint8_t p : line)
out_s << p;
out_s << std::flush;
success = true;
return success;
The isValid()
function is the same I have given with rotate90()
I also replaced the int
values by uint8_t
(unsigned char
) values to be more consistent as we are writing single bytes values (0-255).