I would like to render view and return it with JSON in my controler like the renderView in Symfony.
//use Slim\Container;
protected $ci;
public function __construct(Container $ci)
$this->ci = $ci;
public function AnalyseFacture(Request $request, Response $response,$args){
$db = $this->ci->dbLeak;
$clients = self::RecuperationFacture($db);
$data = $this->ci->view->render($response, 'envoiefacture/resultat-ajax.twig', ['liste' => $clients]);
return $response->withJson(['data' => $data]);
I don't get what you try to achive, but if you want to return the rendered content within a json response then try this:
// ...
$this->ci->view->render($response, 'envoiefacture/resultat-ajax.twig', ['liste' => $clients]);
$data = (string)$response->getBody();
return $response->withJson(['data' => $data]);