Here we need to run the same feature file with different login and provide login user name from tags.
Run the feature file with user1 and user2
@user1 @user2
Feature: Feature-1
Background :
Given I am login with user
Run the feature file with user1
Feature: Feature-2
Background :
Given I am login with user
Use Scenario Outline concept of gherkin language where you can pass user name and password as a Example. For ex:
-- Feature file
Scenario Outline: Verify Login Functionality
Given There is a user "<username>" and <password>"
When I login to the application
-- Spec file
Given(/^There is a user (.*) and (.*)$/, async function(username, password) {
driver.findElement(Locator to identify the username element).sendKeys(username);
driver.findElement(Locator to identify the password element).sendKeys(password);
Here, same test scenario written above will be repeated for two different users. Take these two regular expressions as a parameter in spec file and send it to username and password text fields using selenium