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Unity WebGL: why using downloaded Mp3 or OGG file, audio can't be played?

I need to download audio (OGG, Mp3 or wav) from URL and play it.

In Editor is working fine, and also in stand alone build.

But not in WebGL build.. i got any error or (depends on format) this:

Streaming of 'mpeg' on this platform is not supported UnityEngine.Networking.DownloadHandlerAudioClip:GetContent(UnityWebRequest)

My Code:

// Here audio is downloaded based on audioURL ... WWW data = new WWW(audioURL); yield return data; AudioClip downloadedClip = data.GetAudioClipCompressed(false, AudioType.OGGVORBIS) as AudioClip; if (downloadedClip != null) { _audio.clip = downloadedClip; } ...

    public void PlayAudio() {
        // Here clip is play
                if (_audio.clip != null && _audio.isPlaying == false)
                    Debug.Log("Background music not present!");
                _audio.loop = true;

To download clip i've used also (instead first code part):

     using (UnityWebRequest www2 = UnityWebRequestMultimedia.GetAudioClip(audioURL, AudioType.OGGVORBIS))
                yield return www2.SendWebRequest();

                if (www2.isHttpError)
                    LogAdd(www.error, true);
                    AudioClip downloadedClip = DownloadHandlerAudioClip.GetContent(www2);                
                    _audio.clip = downloadedClip;

For some reason, audio in webgl isn't played.

EDIT 1: When uploading MP3 , error (also in editor) is:

Streaming of 'mpeg' on this platform is not supported UnityEngine.Networking.DownloadHandlerAudioClip:GetContent(UnityWebRequest)


  • I solved upgrading to 2018.4.

    Now it works with MP3 without problems.