I am creating automation tool for Edge Browser using selenium, where I need to open three edge window with three different URLs parallelly. First Edge browser window launch successfully, but when calling function openEdgeBrowser for second url, it throws Exception: WebDriverError: Unknown error.
const webdriver = require('selenium-webdriver');
const edgedriver = require('edgedriver');
const edge = require('selenium-webdriver/edge');
var openEdgeBrowser = async function(url){
try {
let edgeService = await new edge.ServiceBuilder(edgedriver.path);
let browser = await new webdriver.Builder().forBrowser('MicrosoftEdge').setEdgeService(edgeService).build();
await browser.get(url);
console.log('Browser launched successfully with url: ' + url);
} catch(e) {
console.log.end(`Error in launching edge browser, Exception: ${e}`);
I expect to run three instances of Edge together.
The problem is that Edge does not support multiple instances:
Hi, This is a known issue.
I just checked the Feedback Hub and I only see a Microsoft internal posting for this issue. Will you add this to the Feedback Hub? Open the Feedback Hub app by using the Search Bar (Win + s) and typing “feedback hub”
The only workaround I am aware of is to use Selenium grid with multiple Windows Clients. The Clients can be Hyper-V instances.
Appreciate you reporting this issue and wish I had a better answer for you. :-/ Steve
The same has also been noted on twitter.
I can't find any indication that this bug has been fixed, so I'm going to assume it's still outstanding. It was definitely still outstanding in version 41.16299.15.0 and I can't find anything in the release notes mentioning a fix In version 42.