I was trying to convert GLSL to GLSL ES and got this problem: transpose function isn't available in GLSL ES.
mat3 yuv = transpose(yuv_matrix);
So how I can use it? Is there any alternative?
A 3x3 matrix can be transposed as follows:
mat3 yuv = mat3(
vec3(yuv_matrix[0].x, yuv_matrix[1].x, yuv_matrix[2].x),
vec3(yuv_matrix[0].y, yuv_matrix[1].y, yuv_matrix[2].y),
vec3(yuv_matrix[0].z, yuv_matrix[1].z, yuv_matrix[2].z));
Note, the transposed matrix is a matrix which is flipped over its diagonal.
(a b c) T (a d g)
(d e f) = (b e h)
(g h i) (c f i)
Matrices consist of column vectors. So a matrix can be initialized by vectors, e.g.:
vec3 a, b, c;
mat3 m = mat3(a, b, c);
And the vectors of the matrix can be accessed by the index operator, e.g.:
mat3 m;
vec3 v = m[1];