I have a Kendo Grid where i get fees objects that contains : Fees- Taxes - and Fees After Taxes. Fees after taxes were calculated in the callled from the object ( in the object's class). i am adding taxes to the fees caclulations, i want when i edit the taxes it automatically edit (fees after taxes) and also updates the total fees after taxes in the footer.
function onTaxesChange(e) {
var TaxesObject = e.sender;
if (TaxesObject != null) {
var grid = $("#InvoiceProgressNotesGrid").data("kendoGrid");
var container = $(TaxesObject.wrapper).parent().parent();
var item = $("#InvoiceProgressNotesGrid").data("kendoGrid").dataItem($(this).closest("tr"));
var progreeNoteId = item.Id;
var Fees = item.Fees;
var Taxes = item.Taxes;
var FeesAfterTaxes = (Fees * Taxes / 100) + Fees;
item["FeesAfterTaxes"] = FeesAfterTaxes;
this will update all objects in the selected item in the grid