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Starting a Jenkins Job using Javascript

Does anyone have an example of starting a jenkins job with auth and parameterized in Java Script?

Its like a curl post but I am not sure how to do that exactly and I couldn't find any example passing username and token as well as parameters.


  • You can use the jenkins npm library to perform actions on npm using a specific user:

    import Jenkins = require('jenkins');
    const jenkins
    Jenkins({ baseUrl: `https://${ username }:${ password }@${ urlToJenkinsInstance }`, crumbIssuer: true })
          .then((_jenkins) => {
            jenkins = _jenkins;
            return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
              // start building a job
                name: jobName,
                // put all the parameters here:
                parameters: {
                  PARAM1: 'hello',
                  PARAM2: 'world'
              }, function (err, data) {
                if (err) { return reject(err); }
          .then((queueId) => {
            console.log('job queueId: ', queueId);

    If you need to continue and monitor the flow, after the job is added to the queue, you need to wait for the job to start, which will add a jobId to the queue item using jenkins.queue.item(queueId, callback).

    Then, you can monitor the actual job and check when it finished.

    In the following code, I defined two functions called convertQueueIdToBuildId and waitForJobToFinish.


    This will wait for the queue item to get a permanent ID to start and checking for the job status. I defined the interval to check this every 5 seconds.


    This will get the permanent jobId and check every 5 seconds what's the job's status. if it's SUCCESS, we can resolve the promise, and if we get either ABORTED or FAILURE, we error the promise to indicate something didn't go well. We can play with what makes the promise fail or resolve based on the use.

    // continuing the previous promise chain:
      .then((queueId) => convertQueueIdToBuildId(jenkins, jobName, queueId, 5000))
      .then((buildId) => waitForJobToFinish(jenkins, jobName, buildId, 5000))
    function convertQueueIdToBuildId(jenkins, jobName, queueId, interval, spinner) {
      return convertQueueIdToBuildIdInner(queueId)
        .then((data) => {
          if (isNumber(data)) {
            return data;
          return waitFor(interval)
            .then(() => convertQueueIdToBuildId(jenkins, jobName, queueId, interval, spinner));
      function convertQueueIdToBuildIdInner(queueId) {
        return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
          jenkins.queue.item(queueId, (err, data) => {
            if (err) {
              return reject(err);
            resolve(data && data.executable && data.executable.number);
    function waitForJobToFinish(jenkins, jobName, buildId, interval) {
      return waitForJobToFinishInner(jobName)
        .then((data) => {
          if ('SUCCESS' === data.result) {
            return data;
          if (['ABORTED', 'FAILURE'].indexOf(data.result) > -1) {
            const errorMessage = `JENKINS[${ jobName }:${ buildId }] job ${ data.result }`;
            throw new Error(errorMessage);
          return waitFor(interval)
            .then(() => waitForJobToFinish(jenkins, jobName, buildId, interval));
      function waitForJobToFinishInner(jobName) {
        return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
, buildId, function (err, data) {
            if (err) {
              return reject(err);
    function waitFor(interval) {
      return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(() => resolve(), interval));