First, I have a text file (CSV) with a few columns and hundred thousands of rows. The total file size is 10MB. I used resource with Unity so it loads as Text
The related code is:
TextAsset txtData = Resources.Load("data.csv") as TextAsset;
string txt = txtData.text;
strReader = new StringReader(txt);
string line0 = strReader.ReadLine();
currentLine =strReader.ReadLine();
while (true) {// if last line is nothing we quit
var values = currentLine.Split(',');
try {
float x = (float)Convert.ToSingle(values[colX]);
float y = (float)Convert.ToSingle(values[colY]);
float z = (float)Convert.ToSingle(values[colZ]);
float w = (float)Convert.ToSingle(values[colSize]);
}catch(Exceptoion e){
currentLine = strReader.ReadLine();
It was found that the reading plus parsing is slow so that it affects the Unity visual effect. So I used log file to see. I count time for every 500 rows. Strange enough, the last group takes 12ms (500 rows), the second from last takes 20ms, the time is linearly increasing to 1.5-1.7 seconds for the first group.
When Unity is drawing at 90 Hz, I am using a thread to read the string and parse the data.
Where should I look for problems? I used Unity resource, string reader, split, parsing to float. Where is the cause and is there a way to improve?
It looks strange as the time reduces.
after I used file stream reader, it is 2ms each group. So it is Unity TextAsset?
Given the behavior, it's almost the C# bug reading Linux text files.
C# expects \r\n but Linux has only \n. Then it is reasonable that each line read will go through the whole file and found out it is Linux file and the time to parse lines will be proportional to the remaining file size