I have done a very basic step which checks for the presence of one special character. The next step needs some advice as I want to be able to search for another special character starting from 1 places after finding #.
var reg = /#/;
For example:
abc#.123 //invalid - as . is immediately after #
abc#12.3 //valid - as . is more than 1 character after #
abc#abcd.23 //valid - as . is more than 1 character after #
a#123.12 //valid - as . is more than 1 character after #
a#12123124.12 //valid - as . is more than 1 character after #
abcd#1231.09 //valid - as . is more than 1 character after #
1.23#12312.01 //invalid - as . is before #
123#122.01#12 //invalid - as there is another# after .
So that gap between #
and .
should always be 1 or more characters with #
always coming first.
You could assert the start of the string ^
, match not a #
or .
using a negated character class [^#.]
, then match #
Then repeat that part but then for the dot and then repeat that part until the end of the string:
Start of string[^#.]*#
Match 0+ times not #
or .
then match #
Match 1+ times not .
or #
then match a dot[^.#]*
Match 0+ times not .
or #
End of stringlet pattern = /^[^#.]*#[^.#]+\.[^.#]*$/;
].forEach(s => console.log(s + ": " + pattern.test(s)))